This page currently contains links to external articles, forum posts, blog posts, reviews and art projects inspired by or associated with Rick Roderick. Feel free to add others you are aware of in the comments.
What Happened to Rick Roderick? (site down, there is a backup here)
Rick Roderick files host – download videos and mp3s
Philosophy with a Southern Drawl: Rick Roderick Teaches Derrida, Foucault, Sartre and Others
Principia Discordia Forum Thread: Philosophy Lectures with Rick Roderick
Reddit: 1987 interview with Rick Roderick [32:51]
ithinkphilosophy: Rick Roderick
Beyond Postmodernism – Beyond the Self
Nietzsche and the Post-Modern Condition rated at goodreads
Self Under Siege rated at goodreads
Book Review: Rick Roderick: Habermas and the Foundations of Critical Theory
Book Review: Habermas and the Foundations of Critical Theory by Rick Roderick
Rick Roderick and the Political Unconscious on Diet Soap #201
Recovering Hopper: Rick Roderick (Blog Post)
Partial transcription mirror – Permanent Culture Now (Self Under Siege only)
Rick Roderick -> International Herbert Marcuse Society
Rick Roderick- bringing highbrow philosophy to the plebeians
Back to the Future with Laverne and Shirley: The Trivialisation of the GMO Debate
Introduction to Foucault – Rick Roderick and Michael Roth
What We Refuse To Accept About Donald Trump
An interview with Rick Roderick about critical theory (article)
It’s hard to be an intelligent citizen (human) without knowing the framework of the world within which one lives. Rick Rodrick enables the herculean task of tracing the histories of though and the makings of our culture. The lectures are great. Thanks for making this jewel of knowledge available.
Hi there,
The following link seems to be dead:
“Rick Roderick files host – download videos and mp3s”:
What’s going on?
Sorry about that – it seems the old files host (wimpywombat) has gone down. I have changed the link to point to a local copy of the same files
Thanks, mate.
Much appreciated.
Hi to whoever is running and curating this website! I want to thank you sincerely for all the work you’ve done maintaining Rick’s legacy. I don’t know that a project like this is something my brothers or I would ever have gotten around to, and the transcriptions of my father’s lectures especially have been a great help to me while writing an essay about him over the past few months.
If it isn’t too much trouble I’d love to hear from you by email, hopefully to hear about your connection with Rick, but on a more personal level I’d like to be able to thank you by name in the essay. I’ll speak to my publisher about possibly making it available on this website, if that’s something you’d be interested in too.
best regards,
Max Roderick
Rick Roderick, while I never knew or met him is one of the best friends I’ve ever had. His lectures have been one of the reasons I know I’m not crazy but this full on Postmodern world is. I wonder what Mr. Roderick would have had to say about the year 2018 with Donald Duck (er I mean Trump) as Emperor? I think he might have thought reincarnation was a reality and that Ronald Reagan was back for another go at things. Much of what he was seeing as a danger has come true with a vengeance and long before most anyone else was even thinking about it. Being old and out of sorts due to an inability to find anything of value in my culture, RR’s lectures have been one of my only touchstones for sanity. (Bless you whoever has put them online) Anyway I miss him very much. The world is just a little colder and less sane without him. He died too soon for me but just in time to avoid seeing the last of Democracy circle and go down the drain.
I’m not even sure if this website still gets regularly updated by the owner, but there’s still some stuff on Rick from yearbooks and university press. Here’s all that I can found.
The Book… PDF
Hi There,
I’m a great fan of RR, but where are the old TTC links which enabled all the videos to be downloaded in a single file…i.e. 3 TTC files for all 3 lecture series…Do they still exist?
I have never seen them together in a single file. I found each series of videos one by one via anonymous torrent downloads. The files are kept here for those who prefer to not watch via YouTube:
Hi There,
Although I had not kept a copy I found someone who had!
The zip file is called;
And it contains the complete trilogy as m4a’s
It’s size is 674Mb
Much more convenient to handle than downloading 24 items
All the best
Keep up the good work
One day RR will be appreciated beyond his fans for the seminal genius he really was…